Animation Samples

Feel free to play the videos below to see pencil tests of the animation projects I have done for previous classes starting from most recent to oldest.

For 3D animation 2 we did two collaborative projects where we produced a short. The first is called Mo: Bringer of War in honor of our teacher Mauricio Hoffman. I worked on a few scenes towards the end and modeled some of the props like the computer and the missile.

The second is a scene from Always Sunny that we did dialog tests to. I modeled the background and most the props except for the car. The scenes that I animated are the one where Frank pops out of the car and startles Charlie, the one where Mac and Dennis are saying "what's so great about hunting a defenseless creature", the "spit it out" scene and one of Charlie's head-turns.

My animation 3 class collaborated on this project and created an intro video to our school's annual film festival. I helped with some layout, prop design, color and clean-up and I animated the final scene where the character is trapped under the rubble after the smoke clears.

Some 3D animation samples:

Legion Tumble is my tribute to Pacific Rim. I love that movie! Giant monsters and Robots fighting. What's not to love? So after the Sock Thief wrapped we still had the sets up for an extra week and I decide to make good use of it. I made a Jaeger version of the main character from Sock Thief and a dinosaur and had them duke it out in Lint Land.

 Click the link below for more robo fighting fun!

Picky Piglet

10 second dialog test.

This assignment was to have a character enter the scene, react to something, look left and right, and exit the scene within 48 frames.

This 10 second door scene required the character to enter the scene, open a door, react to something unseen, and exit the scene within the footage restraints.

In this assignment we were required to have a character lift and throw something heavy.

Here I had to create a run cycle for a quadruped character.

Our first assignment on creating a walk cycle.

This restaurant scene required the character to be seated at a table and react to something that the waiter serves to them.

This scene was to show a character jumping and landing.

This is my first attempt at a head turn.

Here is my final scene for Intro to Maya class where we had to model a room and have a ball enter the room and go into a box of some kind.

My first animated scene in Maya.

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